Revilatizing Alliance, Ohio
Sherry and Jay Groom are on a mission to revitalize the neighborhood of Alliance, Ohio.
In 2013, Sherry and Jay opened the Troll Hole Museum to showcase Sherry's World Record Largest Troll Doll Collection.
As the Troll Hole Museum gained popularity, the Grooms renovated the Come Visit Camelot building, opened Wisecracks Comedy Escape Room, and opened Mad Dogs and Crazy Cats, an immersive cat cafe and pet boutique.
Jupiter (Tuscan garden themed )Event Center info at https://www.jupitereventcenter.com/ and Thebes thebeseventcenter.com ( Egyptian themed) Event Center opened in 2022 to provide rental space for themed Weddings , parties, seminars and the after hours Blue Nile piano lounge .
Sticks,Stones,Bones and Magic a metaphysical shop with Himalayan salt meditation room for all your crystals uplifting and enlightening needs. info at https://www.sticksstonesbonesandmagic.com/
Mad Dogs and Crazy Cats mission is to educate on breeds of cats and help foster kittens. Mad Dogs supports local pet services like Cora Pet photography and Hair of the Dog grooming. Info at https://www.maddogscrazycats.com/
You can find murals all over Main Street depicting the rich history of The Crossings, Alliance, Ohio. Artists like David McDowell and Sudipta Dasgupta have contributed countless works of art to our neighborhood.
If you have an interest in helping us grow our community, please contact us with your information.
We are always looking for creative ideas, volunteers, artists.. anything we can get!
